Monday, June 25, 2012

Back on the Wagon p90x style!

Well... kinda lost some motivation there for a little while. Oops! Did really well leading up to my beach vacation, especially since I was able to hit the gym most morning for some good cardio, and even went on a few good runs (yes... runs! Bad ankle and all!) and do some good ab work while I was at the beach. Then I came home from vacation and... womp womp... lost motivation. I'm not going to dwell or feel too guilty about it though because I'm ready now! I'm ready to get back on the wagon!

My next goal? p90x!! I start today! Just as soon as I finish this post, and get dinner in the crockpot, I start DAY 1 of p90x. It's going to a bit more of a time commitment than the workouts I've been doing. Most of these take about an hour. Little man is now taking only 1 nap, but it lasts 2-3 hours, so I think I can devote just 1 of those hours to working out.

I want to continue to use this blog to track my fitness and to motivate others, but since I won't be posting daily workout links (for copyright reasons, actual p90x videos can't be linked for free), I need some new ideas! I'm going to take this week to get back into the swing of things workout-wise, and I will also be brainstorming other ways to utilize this blog :)

Enough stalling! It's Core Synergistics time!

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